There are days when you feel you have fulfilled your purpose here on Earth and that even if you should die at that moment you will consider a life well lived and meeting God's plans. Yesterday was such a day for me when I met young people from The Gambia SOS center in the company of some delegates of the 3rd African Youth Commission Conference for a field visit. Given a chance to speak to them I recounted how as a young boy I lost my parents and that it was sports that gave my life a meaning and put me on the path of progress, of how as a tennis ball boy my life has been totally transformed. I then charged them to take the space very seriously to max out their daily engagement for it has all the potential to make them achieve every dream they have. It was their feedbacks of how they welcomed my message and appreciated me profusely with those of them who had the chance to interact with me telling me they will want to be like me that makes me dare say I fee...